Heal Your Pain in Our 

Private Movement Classes

Heal Your Pain in Our

Private Movement Classes


Quick fixes and isolated approaches are delaying your healing

For the everyday person who just wants a healthy body and mind, being stuck with chronic pain can be extremely frustrating. Not only does it feel like your body’s against you, a weakened body can leave you in a constant state of fear you might injure yourself - making the pain worse!

People often turn to quick fixes and isolated approaches as they’re most widely available. However, they only work for so long because they don’t get to the root issues beneath the pain - which are often movement dysfunctions!

In fact, they may even get in the way of your healing and make the pain worse. We think that’s just wrong.

The truth is… chronic pain is complex pain.

You need a more holistic and comprehensive approach that uncovers the root issues behind your pain, helps you correct them, and put strength and fitness in its place!

You can do that all here with our Private Movement Classes.


TAYP Private Movement Classes:

Heal holistically with Natural Movement and Pain Education

Movement is the centrepiece to resolving chronic pain.

By observing your movement, we can uncover hidden habits that are stalling your recovery and causing you further issues. We provide personalised adjustments and tactile feedback so you can safely train out of pain and into a new, healthier, and fitter YOU!

We also teach you these 3 essential components of holistic recovery in our Private Movement Classes:


Pain Management Skills

We empower you with practical Recovery Techniques like Breathwork, Stretching, and Self-Massage to help you manage and bring down your levels of pain. They also act as a powerful first-response to pain, meaning you can bounce back and get back on track faster in the future! Knowing WHAT to do when pain surfaces is such a confidence-building and empowering skill that you’ll wonder what you did all these years without it!

Organic Strength Development

Typical strength training can be a little isolated and prioritises sport-specific performance above human movement. As an everyday person, you would benefit the most from ORGANIC strength development, especially if you’re looking for healing and longevity. There are 6 elements, divided into 3 different programs. These elements are: Push, Pull, Squat, Hinge, Tuck, and Twist!


Natural Movement Practice

When your movement is not aligned with your design, it will cause chronic pain. Therefore, it's important to learn proper technique that respects the natural anatomy of the body! This is where we teach you fundamental natural movement skills like Running, Jumping, Rolling, Falling, Throwing, and even basic Martial Arts techniques. Become more balanced, fluid, and confident with your movement!

Start healing with movement today!

Just follow these 3 simple steps:


Book FREE Phone Consult and Movement Assessment:

Let’s get to know each other over the phone and in-person. Get some clarity on how I can help.


Try our Private Movement Classes:

Experience the TAYP difference for 7 days for FREE!


Enjoy your Healing Journey:

Choose a training option, become a member, and look forward to a pain-free future!

The Programs and Timetable

In each of our 3 programs, there is a different Organic Strength focus. Exercises will vary over time, but the overall theme will remain the same. In each program, there will also be a different Natural Movement focus so you can practise refining your technique, and you will be taught Recovery Techniques specific to your issues to help you train your Pain Management Skills.

Program A

The Pull/Squat Program

  • PULL (Arms): Build the PULLING strength of your arms with exercises like the ring row and flywheel row. We can even help you achieve your first chin-up and pull-up!

  • SQUAT (Legs): Build the PUSHING strength of your legs and hips with weighted and flywheel squatting exercises! We can even help you regain the mobility for a deep-squat!

Program B

The Tuck/Twist Program

  • TUCK (Abs): Strengthen your core with a TUCKING motion using our hanging ab-straps and other exercises. Achieve movements that demonstrate great core-strength like the L-sit!

  • TWIST (Obliques): Strengthen your core with a TWISTING motion using rotational flywheel exercises. A truly unique and holistic way to gain better posture, core strength, and athletic power.

Program C

The Push/Hinge Program

  • PUSH (Arms): Build the PUSHING strength of your arms with push-up variations, weighted presses, and various flywheel exercises. You can even achieve your first push-up!

  • HINGE (Legs): Strengthen the PULLING strength of your legs and hips with posterior-chain exercises like deadlifts, good mornings, and hamstring exercises on the flywheel!

Private Movement Classes operate on a 3-week cycle. Each of the above Programs are spread evenly through this 3-week period. For best results we recommend attending 3 sessions per week. However, we also offer twice or once a week options for maximum flexibility. Sessions are 60 minutes long.

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Successful Healing Stories from Private Movement Classes  


Your Guide in Movement and Healing

Allan Liang is the founder of Train Away Your Pain, a company he founded upon a lifetime’s obsession with human movement and call to ease the suffering of others.

When people get sick of quick fixes and isolated approaches to resolving chronic pain, they come to see Allan.

He has helped people with all sorts of chronic conditions, ranging from back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and migraines - just to name a few. He’s an expert at seeing the movement dysfunctions behind the chronic pain, and providing the right exercises and adjustments to resolve the issues.

Allan looks forward to seeing your face in the training room here at TAYP, and being a part of your healing journey!